Thursday 10 November 2016

No news?

No news good news, right? Not in my case.

I haven’t diapered on some exotic island drinking coconut cocktails, in fact it was quite the opposite. I felt tired this year, more than usual and was wondering why that is and so I started looking for reasons.

While there could be others as well I stop looking when I found out that by the end of October we had almost 200% live contracts against last year. Cramming 2 years of work into a single one can be exhausting and to be honest I am not looking forward to next year if the trend maintains.

Furthermore (can’t help it) I stop and answer to all your emails, youtube and blog comments, inventor forum, personal messages as well as helping old colleagues.

Two week was special because we had Inventor Open Days, and I couldn’t miss that. What is that you ask? It’s when autodesk employees take a day off answering questions on the forum, but anyone can answer really. Thursday night I spent an extra couple of hours answering questions and trying to help them because on rare occasions like this you can get some really interesting questions and learn a lot.

In fact I saved a couple of posts that I really liked and intend to share them on the blog. Not stealing other people’s work but rather sharing them with those of you that don’t have time to read them all and would better subscribe to blogs like mine and get it as a concentrated pill.

As if this wasn’t enough I decided to get some virtual reality glasses, not the ultra expensive giga-bucks to ruin the economy kind but the cheap phone version. This is essentially just a plastic box where you stick your phone and you watch 3D stuff. Things like panoramic pictures, videos and the “piece de resistance” high quality CAD renderings.

Will have to expand on that on the next blog.


photo credit: Anders V "Read All About It" (license)

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