Thursday 22 September 2016

Tag Top Level Components

And yet again the question of “how to indentify same parts with different labels-marks-balloons” has passed my way. This time it’s a variation of the previous but the answer stays the same and as far as Inventor is concerned, at the moment there is only one solution.

Are you looking for balloons?

As most stuff on this blog it’s not documented and only came to me after long years of testing the software but I have been using it successfully ever since.

While you can add notes, balloons or leader texts to your drawing, they will not update and you need to manually adjust these every time. Don't get me wrong, the values will not update automatically with this method either but we will use ilogic code to force update them all..

The only way to tag equipment is to use assembly browser name. That stays unique to each occurrence (component) and while a valve can be used 100 times in the assembly and reside in library (read only folder) you can change the browser name in the assembly and give it an unique ID.

If you don’t know what I am taking about or you need a refresh, start with this post where I am explaining this concept and the setup of custom balloons in the drawing.

Then read the update on tagging from the assembly, which might be faster/preferred by some people.

Then there’s the final code to use in the drawing which merges both codes and creates the balloon on the drawing and renames the assembly browser node. If that component (eg. Valve) has a tag already then it prompts the user to change the value.

I should mention that it is possible to create a custom table to extract tagged equipment with any iproperties you wish along (eg. PN, Description, Stock Number, etc.).

here's how to create custom table:

and here's how to edit a Parts List table:

Now that we’ve cleared that out, how would I tag top level components like documenting nozzle on a tank assembly?
                While I am used to label end components this time we need to label top level subassemblies.
                Start by creating a custom balloon style, so that the code will only change those and ignore any standard balloons like Item Number and Quantity.
                Then we have several options:
1.       Balloon the items (make sure you select correct style).
a.       Use ilogic to update the value of balloons you select on screen.
b.      Use ilogic change the values of all balloons of that style current sheet / all sheets (complete drawing).
2.       Use ilogic to create balloons on the fly, prompt the user for tag value, and override the value on the assembly browser node and on the balloon.

For simiplicity I have created the second option where the balloons are created for you. Try this out and let me know how that goes.


'this sets a tag to each selected component and creates
'a balloon for it, asks for update of existing balloons

' Set a reference to the drawing document.
' This assumes a drawing document is active.
Dim oDrawDoc As DrawingDocument
oDrawDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

' Set a reference to the active sheet.
Dim oActiveSheet As Sheet
oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet

Dim oStyles As DrawingStylesManager
oStyles = oDrawDoc.StylesManager

Dim oCurve As DrawingCurve
Dim oEdge As EdgeProxy
Dim occurrence As ComponentOccurrence 
Dim oGeometryIntent As GeometryIntent

While True
        ' Get a drawing curve segment selection from the user
        Dim oCS As DrawingCurveSegment
        oCS = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick( _
                SelectionFilterEnum.kDrawingCurveSegmentFilter, "Pick a drawing curve segment")
        If oCS Is Nothing Then
            'MessageBox.Show ("Selection was cancelled","ilogic")
            Exit While
        End If
        oCurve = oCS.Parent
        oEdge = oCurve.ModelGeometry
        occurrence = oEdge.ContainingOccurrence
        While Not occurrence.ParentOccurrence Is Nothing
            'MessageBox.Show("Parent Occ name: " & occurrence.ParentOccurrence.Name,"ilogic")
            occurrence = occurrence.ParentOccurrence
            'MessageBox.Show("cur Occ name: " & occurrence.Name,"ilogic")
        End While 'end test for parent
        'MessageBox.Show("Old Occ name: " & occurrence.Name,"ilogic")
        Retry = True
        'as long as retry is selected by user
        While Retry
            'get tag from user
            oTagOcc = InputBox("Enter Tag No: ", "Tag Prompt", occurrence.Name)

                ' try and set that value
                occurrence.Name = oTagOcc
                'if success exit the retrying loop
                Exit While
            'if tag allready exists
                'prompt if user wants to try again
                Retry = InputRadioBox("Allready used, try again", "Yes", "No", Retry, Title := "Retry")
            End Try
        End While
        'if user canceled the retry skip the rest of the code and
        'prompt to select parts again
        If Retry = False Then
            Continue While
        End If

        'Get the mid point of the selected curve
        ' assuming that the selection curve is linear
        Dim oMidPoint As Point2d
        oMidPoint = oCurve.MidPoint
        ' Set a reference to the TransientGeometry object.
        Dim oTG As TransientGeometry
        oTG = ThisApplication.TransientGeometry
        Dim oLeaderPoints As ObjectCollection
        oLeaderPoints = ThisApplication.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection
            ' Create a couple of leader points.
            Call oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 0.5, oMidPoint.Y + 1))
            'Call oLeaderPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(oMidPoint.X + 1, oMidPoint.Y + 0.5))
            MessageBox.Show("Circular segment found," & _
            vbLf & "Can't get sement center," & _
            vbLf & "Manually move balloon please", _
            "Position error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
        End Try
        ' Add the GeometryIntent to the leader points collection.
        ' This is the geometry that the balloon will attach to.
        oGeometryIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oCurve)
        Call oLeaderPoints.Add(oGeometryIntent)
        Dim oBalloon As Balloon
            oBalloon = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet.Balloons.Add(oLeaderPoints)
            MessageBox.Show("Can'te activate BOM." & _
            vbLf & "Temporary add a Parts List on the sheet" & _
            vbLf & "You can remove it later", "ilogic")
        End Try
        'set the style of the balloon to "Tags"; if you don't have a style called tags
        'you can remove this to keep it as default or use some of these settings:
        'oBalloon.SetBalloonType (kHexagonBalloonType)
        'other options here are kCircularWithOneEntryBalloonType, 
        'kCircularWithTwoEntriesBalloonType, kHexagonBalloonType, 
        'kLinearBalloonType, kNoneBalloonType And kSketchedSymbolBalloonType
        oBalloon.Style = oStyles.BalloonStyles.item("Tags")
        Dim oBalloonValueSet As BalloonValueSet
        ' Iterate over each value set (attached balloons) in a balloon.
        For Each oBalloonValueSet In oBalloon.BalloonValueSets
            ' Set balloon value from browser.
            oBalloonValueSet.OverrideValue = occurrence.Name

    'end try
    End Try
End While

'----------Update existing balloons on all sheets

'Ask the user if he wants to update values of all balloons (if edited some)
booleanParam = InputRadioBox("Update existing balloons?: ", "Yes", "No", True, Title :="Update Existing?")

If booleanParam = False Then
    Exit Sub
ElseIf booleanParam = True
'process all sheets
For Each oSheets In oDrawDoc.Sheets 
        ' Iterate over each balloon on the sheet.
        For Each oBalloon In oActiveSheet.Balloons
            If oBalloon.Style.Name = "Tags" Then
                    Dim leader As Leader
                    Leader = oBalloon.Leader
                    'assuming the leader is a single line segment
                    Dim leaderNode As LeaderNode 
                    leaderNode = leader.AllNodes(2)
                    oGeometryIntent = leaderNode.AttachedEntity
                    curve = oGeometryIntent.Geometry
                    oEdge = curve.ModelGeometry
                    'occurrence = oEdge.ContainingOccurrence
                    While Not occurrence.ParentOccurrence Is Nothing
                        'MessageBox.Show("Parent Occ name: " & occurrence.ParentOccurrence.Name,"ilogic")
                        occurrence = occurrence.ParentOccurrence
                        'MessageBox.Show("cur Occ name: " & occurrence.Name,"ilogic")
                    End While 'end test for parent
                    ' Iterate over each value set (attached balloons) in a balloon.
                    For Each oBalloonValueSet In oBalloon.BalloonValueSets
                        ' Set balloon value from browser.
                        oBalloonValueSet.OverrideValue = occurrence.Name
                    Next 'go to next balloon
                Catch'do nothing if error
                End Try
            End If 'end of search for Tags balloons
End If

'----------End Update existing balloons on all sheets

photo credit: Mass Ascension (license)

Thursday 15 September 2016

Convert Parts to Sheet Metal

Still slow on picking up old habits and I am ridiculously busy at work. I think they wouldn’t mind if I get a bed in the office and move in completely.

The other day I started investigating how to convert a batch of parts to sheet metal? If you have a lot of files you might want to use code injector from here. This will insert the code in the files, run it and then remove it from the files cleaning them up.

layers upon layers..

The code to use is.

Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument
Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
'Change Document.SubType to Sheetmetal
oPartDoc.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}"


But what if have an assembly open and I want to convert specific parts? This code will allow you change parts to sheet metal from within the assembly. As long as you don't press ESC and you keep selecting parts in the graphical window it will convert them to sheet metal parts.


Dim oADoc as AssemblyDocument
oADoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim comp As Object
While True
    'prompt user to select an occurrence
    comp = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(
        "Select a component") 
    If comp Is Nothing Then
        MessageBox.Show ("Selection was cancelled","ilogic")
        Exit While
    End If
    oPartDoc = comp.Definition.Document
        oPartDoc.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}"
        MessageBox.Show("Some error occurred, make sure it's not read-only or library item","error")
    End Try
End While

Here’s a short animation.

convert to sheet metal

And then you might ask how to change thickness while we’re here?
This presented a problem in itself because the thickness parameter can’t be accessed directly and the end value seemed to be 10x bigger..!
I read somewhere that the default Inventor units are cm and I needed them in mm but don’t take my word for it.

Here is the code with prompted thickness value.

Dim oADoc as AssemblyDocument
oADoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument
Dim comp As Object
While True
    'prompt user to select an occurrence
    comp = ThisApplication.CommandManager.Pick(
        "Select a component") 
    If comp Is Nothing Then
        MessageBox.Show ("Selection was cancelled","ilogic")
        Exit While
    End If
    oPartDoc = comp.Definition.Document
        oPartDoc.SubType = "{9C464203-9BAE-11D3-8BAD-0060B0CE6BB4}"
        Dim oSheetMetalCompDef As SheetMetalComponentDefinition
        oSheetMetalCompDef = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition
        ' Override the thickness for the document
        oSheetMetalCompDef.UseSheetMetalStyleThickness = False
        ' Get a reference to the parameter controlling the thickness.
        Dim oThicknessParam As Parameter
        oThicknessParam = oSheetMetalCompDef.Thickness
        'promot user to enter thickness
        'this will get current and ask for new one
        Dim oNewTHK As Double
        'read that default units are cm need to get them to mm
        'but I suspect this is to do with not pecifying explicitly units
        oNewTHK = InputBox("Enter Thickness", "iLogic",oThicknessParam.Value) 
        ' Change the value of the parameter.
        oThicknessParam.Value = oNewTHK/10
        MessageBox.Show("Some error occurred, make sure it's not read-only or library item","error")
        Exit While
    End Try
End While



photo credit: DC-3 (license)