Wednesday 8 July 2015

Inventor TP Trim / Extend Pipe

Last week’s post again. I have been absolutely buried with work and it’s seems it will stay like that for a while. Had it all prepared, I have sketched the blog and done the video and then it all came rumbling down and got buried. Now that I am back into the light have managed to upload it and get it published.

It seems the word is out....I am busy editing the last edition of Mastering Inventor 2016 by +Paul Munford (Thank You, Paul)

Tube and Pipe once more with a nice trick about trim / extending your routes. I have been working on a good example and decided to share the info on this post and this time… a video! 

I have been working on this container and there wasn’t a lot of room so before I even knew all the details like the size of the pipes I have started laying my routes and prove that it fits.

But in the process I haven’t used any fittings like flanges and couplings just rather ran them straight from the equipment to the container termination points. The problem is that the pipes will be flushed on the equipment without giving you any gaps for the matching fittings. 

In my case I am trying to place a flange but it will be connected to the pipe and therefore interfere with the tank matching flange. You can edit the connection and specify a negative value but I choose to place the flange with “connect fitting” straight on to the matching flange of the tank. Now the pipe will interfere with your flange but the fix is easy and it became the main subject of this post.

Inside the route if you right click on the route end node you will get a Trim/Extend Pipe option. This will only be available for an ending node and if you try it on a middle node you will see it’s grayed out.

TIP: If you have populated the route and you right click on a node you can see if it holds a fitting or not but checking if there is a check mark in front of the “fitting” on the right click menu.

I am entering a value of 5 mm and choose trim option in the pop-up window and then finish the route. You will notice that the route hasn’t changed and it’s still connected to the tank flange but the pipe has been adjusted and it’s smaller by 5 mm.

This will allow you to adjust your routes and get better, more accurate parts lists as well as proper fabrication drawings.

As promised here’s the video.


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